Since 2010, the IMAS project has been screening maize hybrids from both the public and the private sector to identify the product with good NUE under low fertilizers dose with View to scale the production of and the dissemination of these variety to small holder farmers. Meru HB 513 is the three way hybrid that has consistently demonstrated significant yield advantage under both Nitrogen depleted and the and Optimal condition in the region testing, In trial of the leading commercial and the elite pre-commercial hybrids conducted in2011/2012, MERU HB 513 ranked No 1 out of 35 entries under optimal conditions and low nitrogen in region of IMAS phenotypic network.

Why fungicides matter to us
Trade Name Characteristics Benefit to the farmers

Meru HB 504

Reaches maturity very eary(90-100days)

Assures you of the good harvest with small amount of rain.

Very Resistant to droughtness. Good harvest even in areas with small reainfall.
Gives 25-30 bags per hecter. Assures of good finantial erning from agricultures.
It grows well in low and medium lands(600-1500) Its grows well in many region in Tanzania.
It bears two cobs per plant. It assures you of the good harvest.

Meru HB 409 

It reaches maturity in 90-100days Assures you of the good harvest with small amount of rain.
its very resistant to droughtness Good harvest even in areas with small reainfall.
It bears two cobs per plant. It assures you of the good harvest.
Gives 25-30 bags per hecter. Assures of good finantial erning from agricultures.
It is has very hard grain. Its very good for flour.

Meru HB 513

Nitrogen Use efficient Variety

(Use small amount of fertilizers)

Assures you of the good harvest with small amount of fertilizers.

Assures you of food with small even in low fertile area.

Very Resistant to droughtness. Good harvest evn in areas with small reainfall.
Gives 30-40 bags per hecter. Assures of good finantial erning from agricultures.
It reaches maturity in 100-110 days. Its good in poor climatic condition.
It bears two cobs per plant. It assures you of the good harvest.

Meru HB 515

Gives 40-50 bags per hecter. Assures the good harvest in areas wit h small amount of rainfall
It reaches maturty in 100-110days Its good in poor climatic condition.
It does well in high regions (100-1800M) It does well in many region in Tanzania.

Meru HB 623

Gives 30-40 bags per hecter. Assures the good harvest in areas wit h small amount of rainfall
It reaches maturty in 120-140days Its good in poor climatic condition.
It does well in high regions (100-1800M) It does well in many region in Tanzania.
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